Winter Skin Conditions and How to Ease Them

If there’s anything that makes a cold winter even less fun, it’s winter skin! 

While we often think of summer as being the harshest season for skin, the winter months are no kinder. In fact, winter is the prime season for dehydration! We’re talking about itchy, dry, and irritated skin that results from cold air outdoors and heated air indoors.  Fireplaces, central heating, wood-burning stoves, other indoor heating appliances all reduce the moisture in the air. The resulting dryness and irritation can affect all areas of the body, causing acne, chapped lips, windburn, and cracked heels.

Let’s take a look at how different parts of the body are affected by winter, and how you can care for your skin naturally. 


It’s easy to assume that acne is most often caused by warm, humid conditions and excess sweat. But according to dermatologists, dry skin is also a major trigger for breakouts. That’s because your body responds to dryness by producing even more sebum, the oily substance that keeps skin moist. Pores can become clogged with oil or dead skin cells, preventing cells from shedding and preventing sebum from reaching the surface of the skin. This combination of oil and cells triggers bacterial growth, which then leads to inflammation and - voila! You’ve got a spot. This process can quickly progress into pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, and acne. 

While acne will eventually pass, it can leave behind unsightly scars - especially if you’ve been unable to resist picking. But that’s where Bio-Oil can help. Although it may sound counterintuitive to use oil on your skin, Bio-Oil is non-comedogenic, which means it won’t clog pores and is unlikely to cause a breakout. What’s more, its signature blend of calendula, lavender, rosemary, and chamomile can support the skin’s natural healing process. This world-famous product also contains other skin-supporting ingredients such as vitamins A and E and tocopheryl acetate, which can help to hydrate and soothe. 


Eczema is a common and chronic condition that causes dry, itchy skin, rashes, and scaly patches. Skin can become sore and inflamed, causing no end of misery.
Those who are prone to eczema may notice that their skin gets even worse as the temperatures drop outdoors. This is often linked to cranking up the heat indoors - especially after coming in from the cold. Indoor heating can strip moisture from the air and from the skin, causing cells to dehydrate and the skin barrier to lose precious lipids.

One way to avoid the drying effects of central heating is to place a bowl of water near the heat source in your home. This can help to balance out the moisture levels. It’s a good idea to simply avoid sitting too close to the heat! 

Another great way to care for winter dry skin is with a topical skin care product. Dermal Therapy Very Dry Skin Cream is a deliciously rich cream that contains 12.5% urea, one of the skin’s natural moistening factors. It also contains 1% Dimethicone, a type of silicone. Both of these help to provide intensive moisturisation for severely dry skin on any part of the body. 

Happy Naturals Monoi Oil & Shea Butter Souffle is a treat for thirsty skin. This light, non-greasy cream is made with Shea Butter, Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera for fast absorption and deep moisturisation. It’s vegan, cruelty-free, and smells divine, too! 

Chapped lips

Sore, cracked lips feel even worse than they look! Like other winter skin conditions, chapped lips are partly about the imbalance of cold air outside and warm air inside. Kids who lick their lips too often are especially prone to chapping. This is because licking causes the keratin on the top layer of skin to wear down. Keratin is needed to maintain moisture in the skin and, without it, lips become dry, sore, and scaly. Ouch!

A soothing lip balm like Chapstick Conditioner can help keep your lips soft and moisturised so that you’re less likely to lick. This handy little lip balm also contains SPF 15 for protection in summer, too! Great to pop in your pocket or handbag. 


Your feet might be tucked away in socks and shoes during the colder months, but that doesn’t mean they’re safe from the dry air! Cracked heels occur when lack of moisture causes the skin on your heels to thicken. Exposing your feet to the dry air can worsen the situation, and any pressure or friction on the back of your heel can lead to cracking. 

Dermal Therapy Heel Magic to the rescue! This easy-to-apply treatment is rich in Shea Butter, Olive Oil, Vitamin E and Urea to help moisturise dry, rough skin. This unique combination supports the skin’s natural barrier and helps to retain moisture. 

Simply rub into your cracked heels morning and night and watch the magic happen! Dermal Therapy Heel Magic promises noticeable results within just three days. 

Bio-Oil is also fantastic for sore heels. Known all over the world for helping to improve the appearance of scars and stretch marks, Bio-oil’s unique formulation is also great for dehydrated skin - even tough heels. Simply rub into affected areas daily to set the stage for softer, smoother feet. 

Our last tip for supporting your skin over winter? Hydrate! Even on the wettest days (and we’ve certainly had plenty of those in Aotearoa!), our bodies still need plenty of water. Be sure to drink at least 2 litres of fresh, filtered water each day. Your skin will thank you for it!

For more skin-soothing options, pop into your local Bargain Chemist or check us out online. We’ve got a huge variety of creams, lotions, balms, and oils for everybody - and for part of your body!