Best Supplements for Managing Stress and Worry

Few of us could say that we live a completely stress-free life! 

Whether you’re a teen or an adult, there might be times when you feel a little flustered or worried. After all, life demands a lot from us. On any given day, we might be trying to juggle a dozen things at once: work, relationships, health, family, bills - the list goes on. Hardly surprising that we get a little stressed out.

Stop for a minute (if you can!) and see if you recognise these common signs of stress: 

  • headaches 
  • muscle tension or aches
  • struggling to concentrate 
  • feeling worried or overwhelmed
  • difficulty making decisions
  • poor memory 
  • trouble sleeping

Sound familiar? You’re not alone. 

Stress is difficult to avoid completely: it’s become a part of modern life. But there are ways to support your body’s stress response and those niggling feelings of worry.  You’ve probably heard that yoga, meditating, and “just chilling out” can help to reduce stress levels. Yes, those things are great - but only if you have the time to do them!  

That’s where supplements come in. 

Let’s take a look at some of the many supplements for worry and stress management that can help you keep up with life’s daily commitments! 

  • Ashwagandha extract

The herb Ashwagandha has gained plenty of attention in recent years - but it’s actually been used for centuries. Originating in India, the Middle East and Africa, this evergreen shrub was  named for the unusual horse-like smell of its roots: “ashwagandha” means “like a horse”.   

Ayurvedic practitioners used Ashwagandha to treat a range of conditions. It was also believed to support brain function and mental clarity, as well as supporting the overall health of the nervous system. 

Today, research has suggested that Ashwagandha really does have benefits. As a powerful adaptogen, Ashwagandha supports the body's resilience to stress, helping to manage tensions and feelings of worry. It’s also believed to harbour some antioxidant benefits and can support healthy immune defenses - which is definitely a bonus![1]

Check out Bargain Chemist’s range of supplements for stress management and you’ll see that many products include Ashwagandha. Like we said, it’s popular! 

If you’re not sure where to start, a good option is Radiance Ashwagandha Stress Shield. This daily supplement contains the scientifically researched ashwagandha extract, KSM-66. KSM-66 is a branded, full-spectrum extract produced using a unique proprietary extraction process without chemical solvents. It’s also the highest concentration of all major root-only extracts available on the market today. 

Or, if you’d like to add a bit of sweetness to your stress support, try The Good Vitamin Co Good De-Stress Ashwagandha Chewables. These yummy gummies contain both Ashwagandha extract and soluble fibre, which can support healthy blood sugar balance. Great to grab on the go! 

  • Magnesium

Magnesium plays an enormous range of roles in the body. It’s needed to support healthy blood pressure, muscle function, nervous system communication, and dozens of other bodily functions. Magnesium is also an important player in managing stress and worry. 

We all need a certain amount of this valuable mineral in our body at any given time - and yet many of us are low on it. There can be many reasons for being low on magnesium. While there are plenty of foods that contain magnesium (such as leafy greens and shellfish), it can be difficult to get enough through diet alone. Magnesium is also quickly depleted by the very thing that it can help to manage: stress! Intense exercise, poor diet, and just being busy every day can also eat into your magnesium levels. 

Supplementing with magnesium for worry and stress management has become quite a trend. A daily magnesium supplement is an easy way to help support relaxation and soothe muscle tension. If you find it difficult to nod off at night, magnesium can also support healthy sleep patterns. 

A good option for busy people is GO Healthy GO Magnesium 1-A-Day. Each capsule contains 500mg of elemental magnesium from marine sources. It’s designed to be easy on the digestive tract while supporting your body’s many needs for this essential nutrient. 

  • B vitamins

Do you feel like you need an extra cup of coffee or a sugary snack to get through your busy day? You could be a good candidate for a B vitamin complex.  

There are eight B vitamins in total: B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, and B12. These vitamins all work together to break down the food you eat into energy and support your body’s response to stress. Each individual B vitamin also has its own specific role in supporting your body and mind, including when it comes to dealing with the symptoms of stress. Vitamin B9 (folate) and B12 are especially helpful for supporting the nervous system, which is super important for stress management. 

Plenty of foods are rich in B vitamins, particularly whole grains, leafy greens, legumes, and yeast spreads like Marmite. B12 is only available in animal products such as eggs, liver, and red meat. So,  if you’re vegan or vegetarian you may be missing out on B12. 

For concentrated B vitamin support, a supplement can come in handy. Blackmores Executive B Stress is one of New Zealand’s longest-running B vitamin supplements, and for good reason! It contains both B vitamins and magnesium to support nervous system function, energy production, and healthy stress response. The healthy alternative to coffee or sugar! 

These are just a few of our fantastic supplements for managing stress and worry. Check out our full range here or visit us in store! 
